BHRC asked United Nations to investigate the massacre of Baloch in Western Balochistan
London: 03/10/2022

Baloch Human Rights Council demanded an investigation by the United Nations into the massacre of the peaceful protesters in Zahedan (Duzzap) on September 30, 2022. In a letter addressed to António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, BHRC executive president Dr Naseer Dashti urged the organization to take the cognizance of systematic killings of the Baloch political, social and human rights activists by the fascist regime of Ayatollahs in Iran. BHRC press release issued by Mir Kamalan Baloch, the information secretary of BHRC, stated that the executive president’s letter highlighted that the Islamist regime that came into power in 1979 had usurped the Baloch right to political freedom and civil rights and unleashed a draconian theocratic dictatorship over the secular Baloch society. The UN Secretary-General was reminded that the Persian state is ruling Western Balochistan in a crude colonial way since its occupation in 1928. The UN Secretary-General was requested to take immediate actions to prevent the systematic genocide of the Baloch by a rogue state.

In a separate letter addressed to Volker Türk, the High Commissioner of the UN Human Rights Commission, BHRC demanded that the situation in Western Balochistan should be discussed on emergency footings in the current UNHRC session in Geneva.

BHRC is also writing to the members of the Security Council highlighting the highhanded actions of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its organized attempts to terrorize peaceful citizens. The security council members will be urged to declare IRGC as a terrorist organization. The letter to the members would urge them to take immediate measures in this regard so that the perpetrators of heinous crimes against humanity in Balochistan should not walk through with impunity.

Meanwhile, in a statement, BHRC condemned brutal actions against protestors agitating against the state-sanctioned murder of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman arrested and tortured by Iran’s so-called Moral Police. The statement expressed that the Persian society is in the vile grip of a theocratic state’s inhuman policy of femicide and violence against women since 1979. BHRC statement concluded that it is of utmost importance for the civilized world and human rights organizations to raise voices in support of the Iranian people who are protesting against human rights violations by the regime of Ayatollahs.